Friday, October 10, 2014

A Week of Festivities!

              Freshman year nobody participated, we all felt like goofballs to participate in "Homecoming Week", however, senior year was very different, I participated in every day except for one. Our theme this year was Hunger Games and how that theme works with homecoming is a debate for a different day. The week started off with Monday being 'Pajama Day', whoever planned pajama day on a Monday deserves some sort of award or something! Tuesday was 'tourist day,' this was a new one for our school, but regardless I got a bunch of freshman to wear Hawaiian shirts with me! Wednesday was 'what not to wear day' and I give myself credit because I do believe I may have started a tradition in band. Last year I came up with the fantastic idea to wear our pep band shirts as a joke on what not to wear day. Well, we ended up doing it again this year and every year we still make our director laugh because at the end of the day he knows its a joke and he loves to see us participate and have fun! Thursday was 80's workout day, I did not participate on this day just because I really don't know what I would do... I don't really have anything 80's workout like and so I skipped on this day, however, Friday was school spirit and due to the Seymour High School Band being a part of the parade, I again supported us by wearing the pep band shirts! Dress up week was fun and I participated more than I have in years previous and overall dressing up was fun! 
               Of course after all these days of dress up and organized chaos, the point of homecoming is actually the football game that comes at the end of the week. Friday I stepped foot on the field as a member of the SHS Band for the last time, ran the drill chart just like I always have, and as I played my last note on that field, I started crying, but thank god I wasn't the only one. I got a lot of weird looks and a lot of people just kind of "knew" why I was crying, but a lot of them were wrong. I mean sure, I was sad because it was my last field show, however, those weren't all tears of sadness, many were tears of pride. Proud of everything our group has accomplished and how far we, as a group, have come in the past four years. Proud of my friends who have come back to support us and proud of those who have joined the group who I know won't let my legacy be forgotten. I am not done with this group, not by a long shot, but this was a closure to part of the band and I will come back to support them in future years because I know how great it feels! We ended up winning the game which was only the icing on the cake. 
               Ah yes, the fun part! The homecoming dance. Alright, here goes nothing. So, previous to this year I have gone to homecoming alone, or with a group of girls from band or something like that, but this year one of my friends came to me and explained that they would like to make sure that I get a new experience my senior year, an experience that I would remember and something that would be special to me forever. Well, I got that. For the first time ever I ended up going with my best friend Jonathan, and even though we went as friends, I would like to thank him from the bottom of my heart because he made this year's homecoming VERY special for me. Never did I see myself actually having someone to go with, but when friends step up and do everything in their power to make an event during your senior year special, it means more than words could ever say. I would also like to thank his sister, and my best friend, Lizzie, she has taken me to dinner in years previous and I know she helped with the flowers as well as pictures and doing my hair etc, I would also like to thank my best friend Megan, she can't always make it to the events but she makes her presence known and is always sending me meaning texts that make me smile :)  Thank you thank you thank you! I couldn't do it without you, you have continuously made sure that I feel special and I am at a loss of words. Words can't describe how much it means to me that you ladies are constantly there to support me! Again, this year was the best and I couldn't have done it without the support of my friends! I love you all and can't begin to thank you enough for all of the support you have given me throughout high school thus far, and I can't wait to see what new adventures await! 

Keep Calm and Visit "Home"
Where ever that may be for YOU!


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