Monday, December 28, 2015

New Adventures Galore!

         As always, it has been a great while since I have blogged! Well, welcome back! A lot has happened since my last post which was about my birthday celebration before I headed off to college! To fill you in, I've now completed my first semester in college, made some amazing friends while still managing to stay in contact with the old ones, planned a Disney vacation that will be launching in less than two weeks, saw the new Star Wars movie, maintained a part time job, and have been busier than ever! As I fast forward through the past four months of my life, understand that I will miss important parts as a lot has happened in my life recently!
           College isn't as scary as people make it seem. I mean, it can be I guess and the first week was the most difficult thing I've ever experienced in my entire life, but you make it work! I remember telling myself as I moved into my room on day one, do not let yourself be anyone but you. I love Disney, Olaf, Star Wars, and I miss my parents back home every day of my life when I'm on campus, but I can't hide that because that is me. It's who I am and I should be nothing but proud! I went through a phase in the first few days of being at Marian when I didn't think there was a place for me. I was absolutely convinced that nobody else was going to accept the girl from Seymour, Wisconsin who loved Disney and had passions that could very easily be labeled as "childish," but it was only a matter of time before I found my spot. People claim that the internet is a very dangerous place full of scary people and in some cases this is true, but for me, I had a totally different experience that took a lot of faith and trust. A lot of trust. Extra trust. I met my best friend at college on Twitter long before I started packing my bags and heading off to campus. Kelsey and I have become besties and that will never change. We annoy the living crap out of each other sometimes, but that is the best part. I guess what I'm trying to say is sometimes you have to put yourself out there because you might just be looking at the person who is going to accept you for the raw person of who you are. I know with my friends I never ever have to pretend to be someone I'm not. I never have to hide my emotions.. and I never have to be anyone but myself! 
           Staying in contact with my old friends has been interesting... It works. We make it work because of how much we care. Every weekend I come home to visit family and to work and every weekend my friends find a way to give me a hug and well wishes for the week to come. It's like an incentive. I know, I should be a big girl and be able to do it on my own, and I can. I do not doubt that, but why should I force myself to be uncomfortable when an encouraging hug can make the week a bit brighter?! It gets hard at times as my friends back home and I now lead very different lives, but we have pretty much for the most part found our "new normal." Sometimes the road gets a bit rocky, but we never give up and that is what is important. Each semester of college is going to require a new normal back home. For example, second semester my classes are at different times, classes are harder, my friends in Seymour start musical rehearsal which takes more of their time, but through all of this, life goes on and I have faith that no matter what things will work out for the better. 
           As Lizzie and I call it "Operation Dole Whip" (aka our upcoming trip to Walt Disney World) is now less than two weeks out which is kind of scary to think about. There is a lot to be done in very little time, but I am excited for a trip with just us ladies (in case you haven't caught on, I'm going with my friend and her mom and we are leaving her brother and dad home). Kelsey is leaving to go to Missouri the same morning we leave for WDW so it is most certainly great to have someone to share the excitement and nerves with! My packing list is almost complete, but there are absolutely no signs of a suit case or vacation yet on my end, but I suppose I have some time. New to this trip, my friend Jonathan (who is staying home) is making a challenge list for Lizzie and I. I will get Lizzie's list and she will get mine and when we get there we will exchange the lists. Provided Jonathan actually finishes the lists on time, it should be a pretty fun adventure. Also, we are going to play a Disney Parks Edition of Hide and Seek and also make a ways to annoy Jonathan at WDW video! I'll try to keep you posted on this trip of a lifetime! 
           As finals week rounded to a close my friends back home got me tickets to go see the new Star Wars film with them! This section will be short because I do not want to say any spoilers, but to fill everyone in... THE MOVIE IS AWESOME! As a matter of fact, I just went last night to see it for a second time! In my opinion, it is my favorite Star Wars film... even though I may have cried like three times. 
           In case you haven't caught on, these past four months have been kind of crazy, but they are also a huge part of me! Thanks to my friends who are always there for me, I have made it through the first semester of college and I can only imagine the adventures that are to come! If you have a topic you want me to write about or have any suggestions for upcoming blog posts, let me know in the comments below! Thanks for listening to a lengthy rant of my life and I hope that you were able to find some enjoyment in taking a break from your own busy life to read this post! 

Keep Calm and Visit "Home" 
Where ever that may be for YOU!